Dr. Albert Ellis, an
American psychologist who in 1955 developed rational emotive Behaviour therapy
stated that:
“People and things do
not upset us, rather we upset ourselves by believing that they can upset us”
Yes this is one
reason which leads us to stress. Different situations which they face for
survival by each human being in their lives are to be managed. Here comes one’s
attitude and beliefs, these two things determine how one behaves. This may be
influenced by internal thinking, external circumstances which lead to
management by self to survive different situations as mentioned above.
As we know the body
is gifted to serve others. Here different situations are faced by the body (which
includes internal self and systems) to survive the demand made on it. Body
responds to the increase in demand by more physical, mental and chemical
variations in it. This change affects the attitude and behaviour. This influence
is by the nervous system which allows the human beings to think—the pressure is
generated through increased demand which produces stress hormones by pituitary
and adrenal glands regrouping the body to face the demand.
Richard S Lazarus, a
renowned psychologist of 20th century stated that stress as a result from an imbalance between
demands and resources.
If we think from the
angle of a service provider or a manager—he has to face agitated customers, shortage
of staff /resources, his authorities for not reaching the allotted targets even
after putting in his best efforts etc etc. he cannot explode nor express his
emotions and therefore the stress situations keep on repeating day by day,
breaking down his adaptability capacity forcing him to breakdown. This affects his
health leading to increased blood pressure, palpitation, sleep disorders,
insomnia, heart diseases, stomach problems etc
To cope up with
stress is to manage it properly. Stress is that one occurring when pressure exceeds
one’s ability to cope. We cannot avoid stress altogether in life. One have to
live with it. One should not ruin life by ignoring it and this is where
management comes. Without stress, what is life? Life is a Snakes and Ladders
game. Snakes are the risks and ladders are the opportunities in life. We need
to play it and move forward. Shocks in life leads to stress, overcoming it is
management. One needs to be resilient to adapt to these conditions. Always try
to be the right person for the situation demanded and adapt to the
circumstances, enjoy it and use it to one’s advantage. Learn to prioritise and
do what you love. It is the technique one can use to relax and this will
definitely lessen the stress level. Physical exercise is another way to counter
stress like yoga, exercises etc. Be positive and cheerful in attitude so that
negative thoughts are driven away. These are the healthy ways to deal with
Many people resort to
unhealthy ways to deal with stress like drinking, smoking, drugs etc which will
lead to more harmful things like addiction rather than lessening the level of
To conclude, don’t
ignore stress but tune your belief system to interpret and judge things
positively avoiding negative thoughts. This allows a positive behavioural
pattern, preparedness and expectations which gives a solution for stress