Friday, June 5, 2020


At the outset the answer is YES. From various reports it is understood that in various countries during the initial outbreak of novel Corona virus disease, the suicides were on the rise. But later the same has come down even when the lock down and social distancing was continuing. This may be due to people have come to know more about the virus, the stress has come down, the people becoming despair and falling into state of depression has come down and thus the suicides too.

Work pressures which were contributing earlier before the outbreak changed into sort of panic situation among the job holders of losing their jobs which contributed to suicides during the initial stage of lock down due to COVID 19. People subsequently adapted mentally to live with the virus and governments also followed with relaxations thus complete shutdown became a restricted lock down.

The above situations were among the working class but large number of farmers in developing and also agriculture dependent countries committed suicide since their products like cotton, vegetables, fruits, grapes etc were affected due to lock down. Take for example farmers of Marathwada region of Maharashtra state in India suffered huge loss and resorted to distress sales since their vegetables and grapes were rotting in the fields. Many farmers committed suicide because they were not able to meet both the ends and moreover the financial indebtedness led them to despair and they killed themselves.

another aspect is that people are never content in their way of life. They desire to have more and run behind luxury and create debts for achieving that. The mental satisfaction levels of people are low in most of the countries. Added to that the lock down reasoned for the loss of job and thus the income, the fear of loss of employment, loss in business, the freedom of movement which restricted the mental happiness etc contributed to people becoming despair in their attitude and they committed suicide. However in the later part most of the affordable countries came up with financial package to reduce the sufferings of their people, which reduced stress and panic situations thereby reducing suicides. Japan, Canada , Germany are examples.

On the other side—social distancing will definitely have a control over the spreading of the virus but definitely have a negative impact on people with depression and psychiatric problems. Mental health experts say the effects of the shutdown could lead to increases in anxiety, depression and suicide. 

Prof.Dr. Ulrich Hegerl, Chairman, Deutsche Depressionshilfe (DDH) warned that due to social distancing there may be less chance that friends or relatives recognize when someone is in a suicidal crisis and can organise professional help. That means help for arranging medical /clinical help and support system will lack and importance will be given to people affected with corona virus.

The secondary consequences of social distancing is the  economic stress, social isolation, reduced access to mental health treatment and could increase suicide risk. The role of the Governments, NGOs, Social workers etc  have a great role to play here. Some suggestions to reduce mental stress and thereby suicides are given below.
  • Through various information system the people must stay informed of the virus, its outbreak and it must be up to date. The people should not be confused and lead them to panic situation. Counselling centres to be set up by NGOs and social workers following all norms of social distancing... tele counselling can be an option.  
  • Government must review the situations as they are doing and come out with economic measures to avoid financial uncertainty and sustain livelihood and those steps directly improve the emotional and mental health of the people.
  • Steps to be taken enabling more employees to work from home and thereby the fear of loss of job can be avoided. They also get more time to be spent with their family which reduces stress and thereby increasing their mental health.
  • Anxieties of school/college students regarding their career must be reduced by the Governments announcing well in advance the steps being taken, to be taken so that there will not be any lag in their course period.
  • Government to ensure  that the financial commitments like loan repayments, payment of fees, contractual commitments etc to be extended for the maximum possible period which will avoid both financial and mental stress.
Those people who are capable must understand that during adversities there are many opportunities hidden and must act positively. They should strive for victory and thus contribute their mite, knowledge and experience for the upliftment of the economy by generating new employment opportunities.

When we elaborate about the suicides due to lock down and social distancing we should note that death due to other reasons like non attention of non Covid  patients, lack of public health systems in many countries, very expensive private health system, non availability of services of private hospitals, deaths due to starvation, exhaustion etc in various countries during the exodus of migrant labourers to their home place due to loss of job, place of stay and food are some of the things that governments, NGOs, social workers etc has to address to with humanitarian consideration. 

Nature acts when human beings cross the limits. A lesson everybody has to learn is to respect the Nature.

1 comment:

Rethi Sathish said...

~ <3 <3 ~

"You are only as happy as you make up your mind to be. Your smile belongs to you so dont ever allow anyone to take this away from you."



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